Mission & Vision


The Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition is a grass-roots nonprofit with a vision to build a walking/biking trail system to connect the entire Napa Valley--physically, artistically, and culturally. We are working to design, fund, construct, and maintain 47 safe and scenic miles of level, paved, family-friendly, pet-friendly, free-access Class I trail, stretching from the Vallejo Ferry to Calistoga.



The Vine Trail provides many safety, health, environmental, economic and tourism benefits for our community. It’s a proven model: Trails in residential and tourist areas around the United States (NYC; Portland, OR, Ketchum, ID; Nantucket, MA; Charleston, SC; Washington, DC and more) have made an immediate positive impact on the well-being and safety of residents, while measurably benefiting the economy.


SAFETY: The Vine Trail will provide a safe trail for people of all ages to enjoy our valley. Napa County is, sadly, in California’s top ten counties for bicycle accidents involving motorists—and things are getting worse. Separated trails such as the Vine Trail are by far the safest places to walk, run or bike. More than 70% of American would bike/walk more if they felt safe.

HEALTH: A safe, free, easy access biking/walking trail system can significantly improve community health. Napa County has the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the Bay Area. Studies show even moderate increases in physical activity reduce stress and risk of many serious health issues.

ENVIRONMENT: A continuous Vine Trail will connect all Napa Valley communities, providing a safe, car-free alternative for commuting and fun. This will alleviate traffic congestion, taking cars off the road and pollution out of the air, significantly lowering our carbon footprint.

TOURISM: This strategic infrastructure improvement will bring a host of benefits to lodging and tourism businesses, including enhancing Napa Valley’s attractiveness to the active traveler who enjoy some physical activity during vacations. With integration of artistic, cultural and educational/interpretive elements trail-wide, the Vine Trail will also substantially enhance cultural tourism. The Vine Trail will bring an expected $165+ Million annual boost to Napa Valley’s economy.

CULTURAL CONNECTION: The Vine Trail’s human scale, continuity, vast outdoor exhibition space, and free-and-easy access will unify the diverse landscapes and varied communities of this much-visited area physically, artistically, and culturally. Building on Napa Valley’s rich sense of place, the Vine Trail’s public art and discovery programs will help transform the 47-mile path into a true cultural corridor — and an inspirational “only in Napa Valley” landmark for residents and visitors alike.