08/01/2024 5:00pm
The public is invited to attend a meeting to review the NOP and provide insight to environmental concerns in the project area.
In accordance with the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15082, the County has prepared this notice of preparation (NOP) to inform agencies and interested parties that an EIR will be prepared for the Yountville-St. Helena Gap Closure Project. The purpose of an NOP is to provide sufficient information about the Project and its potential environmental impacts to allow agencies and interested parties the opportunity to provide a meaningful response related to the scope and content of the EIR, including mitigation measures that should be considered and alternatives that should be addressed (CCR Section 15082[b]). The Project location, description, and potential environmental effects are summarized below. View the full NOP here.
This meeting is to take place on August 1st
St. Helena Unified School District: 465 Main St. St. Helena, CA, 94574